ChatGPT and other neural networks instead of a marketer? Easy! TAMGA's positive fintech experience

The trend of artificial intelligence has become all-encompassing. AI is being used as a basis for a variety of technology startups, added as a new feature to familiar products, implemented in household appliances. When it comes to large amounts of information, Data Science technologies have long since become an absolute must have. However, while there are advanced tools for collecting and analyzing accurate information in various spheres, the field of creative tasks has long been considered a field where humans confidently surpass AI technologies.  

The moment when AI "learned" to synthesize meaningful texts has become a key moment for many spheres that are in one way or another related to verbal interaction. 

We are talking, of course, about ChatGPT and services based on it. After the launch of the GPT-3 language model, OpenAI provided access to it to a wide range of developers and companies through its API, which allowed them to integrate this technology into their products and services even before the release of ChatGPT, based on the finalized version of GPT-3.5. Dozens of platforms that help generate different types of content have thus entered the market.

ChatGPT, launched on November 30, 2022, became a real sensation: more than one million users in the first five days after launch and 100 million active users after just two months. ChatGPT can be used to efficiently handle a host of work tasks such as code writing, translation, initial collection and analysis of large amounts of data, writing letters, articles, as well as more specific texts such as product descriptions, resumes, business plans, and even court claims.

ChatGPT capabilities are increasingly being used in custom solutions that allow companies to optimize processes related to content production and placement, as well as support for customer service channels. According to active ChatGPT users, time savings when writing texts can be up to 80%. There are also cases on the market where Client Support solutions based on GPT technology are able to replace 250 people, while receiving higher customer satisfaction scores.

ChatGPT and TAMGA: automation and creativity

TAMGA, as an innovator in financial technologies, could not pass by ChatGPT. The most impressive results are shown by a variety of "online helpers" that can be customized by dozens of parameters for writing texts on a wide variety of topics. Whether it's posts on social networks or personalized mailings to customer bases, services using GPT technology do a great job.

However, even the free version of ChatGPT, if used correctly, can significantly reduce tedious routine tasks, and even solve problems that require creativity. The latter include generating ideas for content while respecting the tone of voice of the brand, handling incoming requests in various channels, testing hypotheses, and more. Together with posting automation, this creates a workflow that requires minimal human involvement. And this is only a small and most obvious part of the capabilities of this language model. ChatGPT is also able to analyze information by specified parameters, identify patterns and give explanations for them.

Not just content creation

In TAMGA the capabilities of ChatGPT were tested primarily on content creation. This practice immediately after the first results freed up the resources of 4 marketing department employees, as their work can now be done in minutes. Further testing led to the fact that the functions of a marketer in the company are now performed by different versions of ChatGPT in combination with other AI-based tools and automation solutions.

This was enough to make it easy to solve specific tasks, such as localizing existing content, voice-overs and other tasks that previously required contractors, in addition to quickly writing texts for SMM, mailing lists, lendings, etc. There is no longer a need to depend on the contractors, waste time on their search and money on payment for one-time services. Moreover, there is no time limit on the production of such content: ChatGPT works on weekends and at night, as long as needed.

So can specialists be completely replaced by artificial intelligence?

Using ChatGPT and tools based on it instead of a marketer and contractors allowed TAMGA to reduce marketing costs by 3.5 times for the same amount of work. 

There are other examples on the market of using ChatGPT in marketing to improve customer interaction and create personalized content. Many world-renowned companies have also quickly realized the benefits of using ChatGPT or similar models in their marketing strategy. 
This mainly concerns the implementation of AI-based virtual assistants that help customers navigate through a company's products and offer them personalized recommendations. Mastercard, Sephora, Shopify, Snapchat, Slack, Udacity and many others have such features. AI-based assistants are certainly superior to other forms of customer advice in that their messages are generated based on analyzing an array of relevant data, allowing them to be unbiased and infomative.

A number of companies, like TAMGA, are looking to expand the use of ChatGPT in their operations. Duolingo, for example, uses the feature to explain to users the right and wrong answers - something ChatGPT is really good at. Coca-Cola recently announced the use of ChatGPT in conjunction with an imaging tool to help with marketing and creating personalized customer experiences.

Today's experiments with AI as a marketing assistant are just an introduction to a world where all business decisions are determined by the analysis of gigantic amounts of information and advanced predictive algorithms. The complete replacement of certain roles in companies is most likely a task for the future, but there are already results that speak for themselves.